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Error 28 may occur because SigmaXL's activation service is unable to bind to a physical adapter. This is typically caused by a slight incompatibility with Intel or Qualcomm network drivers. To resolve this issue, complete the steps below:

  1. Download and install version 10.04 TA5 of SigmaXL. You may use the link below to download:
    After installing this version, attempt to launch SigmaXL. If the error continues, proceed to the next steps.
    Download the file here:

  2. Navigate to the Downloads folder. Right-click the file (1) and select Properties (2):

  3. Click to check Unblock (1) and click OK (2):

  4. Right-click (1) and select Extract All... (2):

  5. Click to add the check beside Show extracted files when complete (1) and click Extract (2):

  6. Select all files in the extracted TA-V5 folder by dragging the mouse to highlight them, or hit ctrl+a on the keyboard. Copy the files as shown (or ctrl+c)

  7. Navigate to the SigmaXL_Support_Files folder in SigmaXL's installation folder:

    1. For 32-bit installations, the location is C:\Program Files (x86)\SigmaXL\V10\SigmaXL_Support_Files

    2. For 64-bit installations, the location is C:\Program Files\SigmaXL\V10\SigmaXL_Support_Files

  8. Paste the 3 TurboActivate files that were copied in step 7 here:

  9. Click Replace the files in the destination:

  10. Click to add the check beside Do this for all current items (1) and click Continue (2):


    To complete this action, administrative permission is needed and you might be asked to enter a password.

  11. Go back one level:

  12. Double-click the SXL_Stats folder in SigmaXL's installation folder and repeat steps 9 to 11 to paste the TurboActivate files here also:

  13. If this fails to address the issue, proceed to the instructions for how to move core files to Windows system folders here:

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