SigmaXL for Windows - Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Academic Rates for SigmaXL
- Add the SigmaXL installation directory to the trusted locations list
- Adjust Main Effects and Interaction Plot Axis Labels
- Anscombe's Quartet and the Datasaurus
- Change the default chart type in Excel
- Charts Do Not Appear or Appear Small
- Compile error in hidden module: 'thisworkbook' when opening SigmaXL
- Compile error in hidden module: frmdataselectnew.
- Confirm if Excel Solver is Working
- Converting workbook file types - Compatibility Mode
- Create a Homer Simpson regression residuals plot
- Decimal Mismatch
- Default Excel file associations
- Determine the Version and Build of Microsoft Excel
- Determine which bit-version of Windows is installed
- Download and install the Microsoft Visual Basic C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable
- Error when starting Microsoft Excel after setting Excel to open SigmaXL automatically
- Excel and digitally signed add-ins
- Excel macro settings
- Excel worksheet does not load after launching SigmaXL
- Expired SigmaXL Maintenance
- File not found: Mercury_GRTE7.dll
- How to update Excel for Windows
- Launch SigmaXL from an active Excel session
- Load SigmaXL automatically with Excel
- Microsoft Azure and SigmaXL
- Move core SigmaXL components to Windows system folders
- Moving TurboActivate
- Multiple decimal systems and SigmaXL
- Multiple SigmaXL desktop shortcuts
- Numeric column headings
- Prevent Microsoft Defender from blocking SigmaXL
- Prevent SigmaXL from loading automatically with Excel
- Quality Resources
- Repair Microsoft Office
- Replacing a .xlam file in the SigmaXL folder
- Resolve error 453
- Resolve Run-time error: '27'
- Resolve Run-time error '4'
- Resolve Run-time error '5'
- Retrieve a SigmaXL serial number
- Running Different Versions of SigmaXL on the Same Computer
- Run Normal Random Data
- Run time error '53': File not found: TurboActivate.dll
- SigmaXL Digicert Signature
- SigmaXL DMAIC menu
- SigmaXL Resources
- SigmaXL serial number compatibility
- SigmaXL Trial Version
- SigmaXL Version 10 - Specified Path is Empty
- SigmaXL Version 8.094 - Specified Path is Empty
- SigmaXL Version 8.1 - Specified Path is Empty
- SigmaXL Version 8.1 - There is an error message during installation or SigmaXL fails to install
- SigmaXL Version 9.1 - Specified Path is Empty
- SigmaXL Video Tutorials
- SigmaXL Workbook
- Statistical model used with SigmaXL dialog boxes
- The Installation completes, but SigmaXL is not installed
- Verifying the Analysis Toolpak
- Welcome to SigmaXL
- Windows - Remote Instructions for TeamViewer