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Service Packs Needed to Run SigmaXL for Mac

Microsoft issues service packs to distribute updates to correct issues with system reliability, program compatibility, security, and more.

Any service packs issued by Microsoft for your version of Office and Windows must be installed before contacting SigmaXL support.

To confirm the required Microsoft Office service packs are installed:

titleExcel 2016 for Mac

There are currently no service packs available for Mac Excel 2016. However, Excel 2016 must be fully updated to use SigmaXL.

titleExcel 2011 for Mac

1.  Click on the Excel menu, then click About Excel.

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2. Check the version number in the About Excel window that appears:

service_pack_Excel_2011Image Modified


The second number in the Version refers to the installed service pack number. In the above example, the Version is 14.7.5, confirming that Service Pack 7 is installed.

3.  If your Version number shows 0 or 1 as your installed Service Pack then you will need to update to the correct Office Service Pack.  The easiest way to download and install the current Service Pack is to click Help then Check for Updates:

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You can download the latest Service Packs directly from the Microsoft website

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