Install SigmaXL on a Mac (Excel 2016)
This article provides the steps for installation of SigmaXL for Mac. Installation instructions for PC can be found here
1. Download the SigmaXL setup file to your Mac download folder (use the default folder that downloads are saved to) using the link below:
2. Open Finder by clicking on the icon on your desktop dock:
3. Open the Downloads folder to the left of the selection box that opens:
4. Locate the installation file:
5. Right-click SigmaXL_8.1.mpkg and select (1) Open With > (2) Installer:
6. Click Open:
7. The following window will be displayed. Click on Continue in the bottom right hand corner:
8. Review the SigmaXL LOA and click Continue once ready:
9. To continue with installation, click Agree:
10. You will then be prompted to review where SigmaXL will be installed. The recommended action is to leave this at the default setting. Press Continue:
11. The amount of disk space required is shown. Click Install:
12. Before continuing the installation, you will be required to enter your Mac Password. Enter your password and click Install Software when prompted:
13. The installation will begin writing files:
14. Click Close when presented with the following:
This will complete the installation of SigmaXL.
Additional Instructions